Category Archives: SM 2014
Har du förnyatt ditt mätbrev?
Hög tid att anmäla sig till SM
3. Entries
3.1 Advance entry shall be made no later than 2014-06-30 at the Swedish 606 federations web site:
3.2 The advance entry shall include the following: Skipper’s full name, mobile
phone number and e-mail address, boat No. crew 1, crew 2 (if applicable) and club.
3.3 The entry fee is SEK 1.000:- and payment shall be made to Bankgiro 387-6893
The fee shall be registrered on the account not later than 2014-06-30.
For entries after 2014-06-30 the entry fee is SEK 1.500:-
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A = Se anmälda båtar
B = Att anmäla sig till regatta